Tuesday, October 25, 2011

And still we wait . . .

Thought I should update on the pregnancy/labor situation . . .

To Induce or Not to Induce - That's the Question
Over a week ago I started having labor contractions.  Although they weren't unbearable, after a couple of days I was concerned so we called my doctor and he recommended I go into the hospital and get checked out.  It was determined that I was in the early stages of labor, but not close enough to stay.  They sent me home with the expectation that I would be back within a couple of days.  It's been a week.  The contractions have increased in frequency and pain, but not to the point where I could go back to the hospital.  It's really quite maddening.  These contractions don't let me sleep more than a few hours at a time and make it impossible to get much else done.  We have spent the last week in a holding pattern.  Just waiting.  Derek is still working, but limitedly because he can't leave me for long and I can do nothing to care for Noah at this point.
It has been recommended that we induce labor on Thursday (39 weeks) because of the gestational diabetes.  This is a general recommendation with gestational diabetes because the baby may get too big and that increases the chances of an instrumented birth (forceps, vacuum) or c-section.  My doctor, however, is not pushing me either way.  We didn't even talk about inducing early with Noah.  I like my doctor because he's laid back and will not push me in a way I'm uncomfortable with.  The choice is up to Derek and I to either keep waiting or go in for a scheduled induction on Thursday.  We are leaning toward waiting, yet, I'm quite tired already.  Please pray we have wisdom in making this decision and/or that the baby will come on her own today or tomorrow.  My doctor is going to call us today before he leaves his office for our decision.
Please also pray we can get enough rest.  For some reason, Derek is also exhausted.  He seems to be getting enough sleep, but never feels like it's enough.  He really needs to be at his best for this whole thing.
Either way it works out, I am really looking forward to holding my daughter in my arms.  I'm so ready to see her little face.

Noah is Turning 2!
In other news, tomorrow is Noah's second birthday.  While we won't be celebrating until sometime later, I'm excited that my little man is turning two.  I can't believe how quickly the two years have gone.  Right now he's talking up a storm and repeating everything we say.  Today we are teaching him the words "John Wayne,"  since we are watching a John Wayne movie.  We have a good friend who loves John Wayne.  So I'm hoping that once Noah has this down, we can take him over to see her and he can correctly identify all the pictures on her wall.  She would be thrilled!  Grandpa would be pretty happy as well.  What can I say?  My son is an American, and there are certain things he know - flag, pie, football, John Wayne etc . . .  Currently his favorite word is "motorcycle."  He sees them everywhere!  He is really all about the vehicles - car, truck, motorcycle etc . . .  Nice to see my Dad's side of the family making itself known because he certainly didn't get this from Derek. :)  Sometimes Noah compulsively puts things away and throws things in the trash.  THAT he gets from Derek.  He must.  He doesn't get it from me!

So we wait for Jellybean.  Every night (or early morning) I go to bed thinking "it'll be tonight."  Every morning (or afternoon) I wake up surprised at the time, and that we didn't have to go to the hospital.  I'm thinking of changing her name to Patience, cuz I need a little Patience. :)

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