I bang a drum pretty regularly. I say "don't complain!" The reason I do this is that I regularly want to complain. So I have to regularly tell myself not to. I know it gets old. I also am starting to realize that some people think that if I'm not complaining, I must be fine. I am NOT fine. I have fibromyalgia, every day, all the time and it sucks. That's just life. I rarely cook, I don't clean, it's a good day if I can read a book to my children. Just because I'm not complaining, that doesn't mean I'm all good and you can ask me for a favor. I don't want to sound selfish, but NO. See what happens is this - You ask me for a favor (which you think is really minor because you are a healthy person), and now I am in conflict. I don't want to say no. I care about you, I want to help. That means giving energy I don't have to do something just because you asked. I can't say no without overwhelming guilt and frustration. Overwhelming guilt and frustration can cause a flare in my symptoms. That's not you, it's me. I don't deal with conflict and stress well, which is probably what triggered my fibromyalgia in the first place. Like I said I don't want to sound selfish, and I'm certainly not singling anyone out because, you know who I have the hardest time saying "no" to? Myself. My crazy expectations, which include your favor. I'm your friend, so I expect to be able to help you with whatever little thing you need. Good expectation, but wrong for me.
So here's the deal - don't ask and I won't have to say no. Right now things are especially bad, so maybe instead of asking me for a favor, you could do something for me. Or someone else who has a real need. Don't ask my husband either. He takes care of all of us and works. He won't say no. It will cause stress in his home. Seriously. He's a nice guy, but he has a million things to do. Maybe you could offer to do him a favor. It's another drum I bang on - surely you know someone who is sick, elderly, overwhelmed, pregnant etc. . . who could use a blessing. Bake some cookies, make a meal, give a gift card, or just send a note of encouragement. Small things sometimes mean the most. Yes, that was a rabbit trail.
Please don't ask me for a favor. There is one major exception. No matter what time day or night, happy or sad, big or small, I will pray for you. Not because it requires nothing (it actually requires quite a bit of mental energy and focus), but prayer is one of the thing to which I will gladly surrender my meager energy. It's good for me, it's good for you, and may God be glorified.
One last thing - if you ask me to do something and I manage to say "no," please realize it's because I care about you. Taxing myself for someone else's favor causes resentment and frustration. It damages the relationship. So, my refusing is actually a loving choice. I know it doesn't "feel" true, but it is. At least that's what I keep telling myself.
My fibromyalgia won't always be this bad. I go through times when I can do more than I'm doing right now. Of course, I always hope my doctor will come up with something miraculous. But for now, it's really bad. I always learn something during this time, and this time I may just have to learn how to say "No."