Thursday, May 17, 2012

When Nerds Marry

When two nerds get married.

Recently, I noticed that Netflix has added several 80's cartoon series to their streaming menu.  My reaction to this was a little something like "WOOOO-HOOOO!"  Transformers, GI Joe, and even JEM, to name a few.  Wow.  Netflix knows how to make children of the 80's happy.  So tonight we started re-watching GI Joe.  I say "rewatching" because besides watching them as kids, someone who knows us quite well gave Derek DVDs of the series for Christmas one year.
This is how you know you are married to a nerd - You can't watch for 5 minutes straight without hearing "We have that ___________ in the garage."  The blank is filled with the name of a specific tank, aircraft, other equipment, or action figure.  Sometimes I hear, "We don't have that one.  The neighbors had it though."  Or, "We used to have that but it was broken."  He's even nerdy enough to say, "They didn't make a toy of that character/equipment."
Why in the garage, you ask?  A few years ago when we all gathered at the PA home, my MIL told the boys that they had to go through all the toys, take what they wanted, and get rid of the rest.  Yes, she still had them.  She is a sweet, sweet Mom.  So my husband's brothers each took a figure or two that had special meaning to them.  My sentimental husband took everything that wasn't broken.  So we have something like nine boxes of vintage (and VERY played with) GI Joe, He-Man, Star Wars, Transformers, Legos, and other toys.  In a few years, on some Saturday morning, we will watch the cartoons and pull out the toys so Daddy and Noah can play together.  Nerdy, but fun.  That phrase basically sums up one of the biggest reasons I married my husband, and love him more everyday.
Yes, I said when TWO nerds get married.  I can't mock my husband too much for still enjoying GI Joe and having the toys.  I can still sing all the words to the theme song.  ;0}  I know which character is my favorite and why.  I can still remember playing GI Joe at recess, and which character I always wanted to be, even though the other girl character had a better weapon.
Who would have thought that when a chunky, blonde haired girl was sitting in Idaho watching a cartoon, a skinny, awkward kid in Pennsylvania was watching the same thing, and twenty-five years later they would be sitting down together to watch GI Joe again?  :)  I love that.  
Ugh!  Sappy.  I digress.  

~Yo, Joe!

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